Frequently Asked Question

How should I ship the equipment to you and how is it returned?
Last Updated 3 years ago

You can ship it in however you wish! We accept USPS, UPS, and FedEx.

We ship back via UPS and charges for shipping and handling will be calculated based on the box's weight, size, and destination. UPS does charge more for residential locations compared to commercial. Shipping to your house may be more than shipping from a UPS facility or drop-off center. We will provide the tracking code via our ticket system upon completion. 

If you wish to purchase insurance through UPS for your package, please let us know and we'll calculate the cost. Or provide a return shipping label with your package. 

"UPS is liable for loss or damage, at no extra cost, for up to $100.00 for each domestic package, international shipment, or pallet in a UPS Worldwide Express Freight® shipment, where there is no declared value. If the value of your goods exceeds this amount, you can declare up to $50,000 per package or $100,000 per pallet (subject to terms and conditions) by entering the declared value when you create a shipment on and paying an additional charge." - UPS Package Protection 

If you provide a shipping label for FedEx or USPS, we have frequent drop-offs from both and can return your package via those carriers.

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